Objectives of Sustainable Development:

Sustainable development is meant to achieve, through its mechanisms and agencies, several objectives, including:
Improving the national management of natural resources, in such wise and rational manner that ensures a better life for all society segments.
Showing respect for the natural environment, by means of ensuring a balanced  relationship between human activities on the one hand, and natural resources on the other hand, in a manner that restrains bad exploitation of such resources; meanwhile raising the environmental awareness amid the population, and promoting the individual sense of responsibility with regard to environmental problems.
Including the environmental planning into all development planning phases, in an endeavor to materialize rational, farsighted exploitation of natural resources, rather than wasting or destroying them.
Using the modern technology in such a manner that achieves the society’s goals, and collecting enough environmental-related basic information, enabling the proper development planning.
Keeping the public informed of the challenges facing them in various fields to ensure the effective public participation.
Placing particular emphasis on the natural phenomena at risk; be they agricultural land prone to desertification, water sources prone to depletion, pollution, or random urban growth.


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