a local organization which has worked on achieving the goal

Saudi Arabia's efforts to ensure a decent life and good health for all Implementation of more than 200 projects in the health sector through the King Salman Center for relief and humanitarian works. National research centers: the Kingdom provides these centers with the latest laboratory technologies for the examination and monitoring of infectious diseases, in order to follow up infectious and non-infectious diseases and epidemics and ways to combat them and reduce their spread.the kingdom has also established several specialized rehabilitation centers for some infectious diseases.


How we connect for a better future
Our story is rooted in an ambitious beginning and ongoing effort to reach our goals in sustainable development and innovation. We constantly strive to create an organization with an immense positive impact within KSA by aligning our goals to the country’s 2030 vision.


ESG Related Data
Our role in sustainability
The Largest Broadband Network in KSA complemented by significant fiber optic and 5G network
Inspired Incubated 28 startups that support ICT/Digital innovation
stc Pay Launched in 2018, offering digital financial services to individuals and corporations
50% Reduction In paper consumption compared to 2018
Caring for the Environment Through high efficiency air cooled chillers
70 % of Remote Area Coverage
In December 2019, Lowest 'complaints to subscribers’ ratios 0.17 %
100% of Sawa Cards Made from recycled plastic



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